Helping customers on their way with a new, highly efficient shoe solution

Expert project for radical reduction of lead times in the development and production process Learn more

Just like the fashion sector, the shoe industry is driven by short collection cycles and enormous pressure in terms of time and cost. In order to make processes faster and save on labour, two medium-sized German enterprises – KARL MAYER STOLL Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH and DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH – have joined forces for a joint project.. The two partners are confident that combining their specialisms at every stage of the shoe industry’s global value chain is an opportunity that promises plenty of potential for optimisation. “This innovative shoe model provides the perfect example of how we can manufacture complex products with a high degree of efficiency and sustainability, by working together and harmonising our companies’ process sequences,” says Andreas Schellhammer, Head of Business Unit STOLL at the KARL MAYER Group.

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