Greater energy efficiency in greenhouse growing

Developing a thermal blind for greenhouses made of warp-knitted spacer fabrics Learn more

People are becoming increasingly aware of the need to live more sustainably, so demand for regional products is continuously increasing, particularly in agriculture.1 In Germany, too, domestic agricultural products are gaining in popularity. This leads to conflicting goals, since ensuring a year-round supply would require outdoor cultivation areas (currently accounting for 98 % of land use) to be converted to large-scale energy-intensive greenhouse horticulture.2 The Chinese lean-to construction method of “net-zero” energy greenhouses is energetically and economically favourable. With insulated north, east and west walls and a transparent south side that can optionally be insulated against heat loss with straw mats, these greenhouses use any solar energy that falls on them during the day extremely efficiently. 3

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  • L.-H. Gao et al.: Structure, function, application, and ecological benefit of a single-slope, energyefficient solar greenhouse in China, American Society for Horticultural Science, 06, 20(3), 2010, S. 6.
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  • H. Herfert: Untersuchungen zum Wärme- und Feuchtetransportmanagement von Abstandsgewirken für Bettwaren (Investigations into managing the transfer of heat and moisture in bedding spacer fabrics), Chemnitz: Technical University of Chemnitz, 2019.
  • C. Stark, J. Fricke: Improved heat-transfer models for fibrous insulations. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Issue 3,1993, pp. 617–625.
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